tales of the road warriors


Hal Aaron CohenHi, Hal Aaron Cohen here…  I make a living playing music, schlepping my PA system, a shitload of gear and musical instruments from one place to another to perform for the masses of people out there starved for entertainment. They must be starved, otherwise, why are they hiring me?

Seriously, I have a long history with music, from my days as a singing waiter in Santa Monica, California till today, where I’m still slinging my axe in venues here on the East Coast. Between then and now, I have enjoyed  many close encounters of the musical kind with some incredible people. I count myself very fortunate to have met and befriended so many talented and gifted people along the way. Hopefully, through this podcast, you’ll get to meet many of them.

Lots of the folks I have encountered have been through performing, but I also hosted open mics and showcases of my own for about ten years, in several venues including The Chimneysweep Lounge in Sherman Oaks, Highland Grounds as an occasional sub, Acoustic Soup at the Bookgrinders in Van Nuys (later moved to the Hothouse when a little old lady form Pasadena mistook her gas pedal for the break and instantly put Bookgrinders out of business), Rusty’s Surf Ranch on the Santa Monica Pier, the Oyster House in Studio City and one other (the name escapes me at the moment but I’ll find out soon enough).

Though I personally have enough stories of my own to fill a podcast for years, my passion has always been just being a part of the scene. I love performing as much as I enjoy hosting. There are many stories out there, far more interesting than my own and they need to be told, dammit! And I’m here to listen and share them with YOU!

For some background into my beginnings, my journey from Philadelphia to California…  please check out My Great American Journey here.

Music from the Show

Intro (most epsiodes): Playa del Spain by Joe Walla
Joe Walla music availble on Broadjam

Outro (most epsodes): I’m Goin’ For a Drive by Hal Cohen
Produced by Barry Keys for Xenon Records
Piano: Barry Keys
Lead Guitar: Aaron Wolfson

Transitional Music
Guitar and harmonica piece by Tzach Geffen