
Lee Totten

The Jager Guy

lee totten the jager guy

Lee Totten has been performing in several incarnations as solo acoustic act as well as with a full band. He’s one of the original contributors to the Tales of the Road Warriors section of Li’l Hank’s Guide for Songwriters, my award winning website during the nineties which is how we first met. We bonded online, but I later met Lee in person when he  flew out to California – – –  I was hosting the Acoustic Soup Open Mic and Showcase at the Book Grinders in Van Nuys. where he popped in and performed some of his originals songs. 

It’s been a long time since then, so in this conversation, we get caught up with a lot of things Lee’s been up to over the years and of course, he shares some of his very entertaining stories. He talks about the Jager Song and being the Jager Guy, his friendship with Kenny the Afternoon guy on Radio 104 in Connecticut and the advice he got from his old friend, Keith Garde, a former manager of Aerosmith after he expressed concern about being compared to Weird Al Yankovich.

You’ll laugh. You’ll cry, you’ll be a blubbering emotional wreck… okay, well, I may have exaggerated that last thing…

Lee and I had a pretty long conversation …. Regarding long interviews – I could use your input… would  you prefer I broke hour shows into a Part 1 and 2? Or do you prefer to get the whole conversation at once and pause it yourself?  I think there are pros and cons to doing it either way, so I’d appreciate it if you comment below or visit the Tales of the Road Warriors Facebook group… Facebook.com/groups/TalesWarriors

Lee Totten Audiogram Preview

Posted by Hal in acoustic, entertainers, guitar player, open mics, Road Warriors, rock, rock and roll, singer songwriter, singer songwriters, solo acoustic, 0 comments