Ben Vaughn Part 2

Delaware Valley Revisited

Click here if  you missed Ben Vaughn Part 1

Hey, howzit going everybody? Had enough of this lockdown yet? I know, I know, there’s nothing funny about it and you’re running out of ideas. Well, at least you have me to keep you entertained for a little while. I’m Hal in Philly and this is my podcast. Welcome to it. In case you forgot , it’s called… TALES OF THE ROAD WARRIORS!

If you listened to the last episode, my conversation with Ben Vaughn – Part 1 then you know I ended it wth a kind of a cliff hanger. Ben was telling me that his father would not allow him to have a guitar i the house if he couldn’t get his grades up in school. Well, Ben had a hard time getting better grades, Instead choosing to be a juvenile delinquent. A rebel with an axe to grind, but he couldn’t bring his axe home with him. So, in part two, Ben goes on to tell us how he got around the Vaughn house rules…

Talking Points

No guitar allowed…

E.J. Korvettes

Silvertone guitars

The Relay Shack

The Rambler Revisited

My Essra Mohawk story

The Hippie scene in Philly, 20th and Sansom Street, The Plain Dealer – free underground newspaper

Sugar Cane Harvest in Cuba – Learn more about the  Venceremos Brigade

Songs we thought we had only imagined

Underground Radio, The Marconi Experiment with Dave Herman

John Sebastian was a bad influence on me

Ben and I preach against smoking (Sorry, smokers)

Norristown and the Zep

The Delaware Valley

More on The Geeter

The Mojave Desert

Santa Monica, Rent control, Ocean Park

The Blue Lagune Saloon

Kenn Kweder live shows on Facebook

Music scene in Philly – Past and present, the next generation

Charlie Gracie

World Cafe Live

Coronavirus effect on gigs

Ben Vaughn Links and Resources

Ben Vaughn Official  Website

The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn Podcast on Stitcher

The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn On Facebook

Ben Vaughn Videos

Ben Vaughn & Kim Fowley – Kings of Saturday Night

Ben Vaughn – Rambler 65 – Full Show

Ben Vaughn – My First Band

I Dig Your Wig

Pièce de Résistance

Cashier Girl

Join The Conversation

What was your first concert?
Did it change you life.
Are you a fan of Ben’s Show, “The Many Moods of Ben Vaughn”?
How did it change you life?

Scroll down to the Comments and Leave Some Feedback!

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