Brett Perkins

Not Just One More Joe

Brett PerkinsToday’s guest is Brett Perkins. When I first met Brett, he was just another singer songwriter like me, a member of NAS – The National Academy of Songwriters who showed to the pitches and the open mics. There was one song in particular he used to play that still stands out in my mind called

One More Joe. A reflective, pensive sentimental ballad that still gets stuck in my head once in a while.

It’s on his Last Bus Home CD released in 2000

On the other hand, Brett is an energetic, outwardly bubbly, positive  guy who has a Paul McCartneyish vibe and his songs run the gamut of styles and emotions. He plays as a solo, as a duet with his lovely french lady named Magali Michaut, or his band the Pawnshop Preachers. He’s also often joined on stage by his daughter, 10-year-old Liva.

Several years ago, Brett started a FundMe  campaign so he could bring his little girl to visit the U.S. We talk about the trip which he finally did take .

A lot of our conversation centered around the workshops and songwriter retreats Brett organizes all over the World such as his celebrated Listening Room Retreats. Below are links to some of Brett’s music videos as well as Brett Perkin’s Listening Room Retreats and other events that he’s organized. Whether you just want to attend as an audience member

and appreciator of original music, or you want to be participating performer, be sure to get yourself to one  if one comes to your town.

I’m going to leads in with One More Joe as I reconnect with my old friend Brett Perkins

Brett Perkins Website

One More Joe  on Youtube

More Brett Perkins Videos at:
Brett Perkins Reverbnation

Song: Ma Petite Chanson Parisienne
Magali Michaut with Brett Perkins

I Just Feel Good For No Particular Reason
from – Put A Fork In Me (I’m Done)


Listening Room Retreats Website


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